
How To Videos

How-To Videos

Starting Your Digital Detox

Congratulations! You have received your digital detox kit and are about to begin your journey to transformative wellness and energy. Open your kit and follow the simple instructions included. This is an easy five-day journey to better health. There are simple instructions on the lid.

Your Hair Sample

The simple instructions included in this video will help you get the best results from your Digital Detox Hair Scan. Pull four hairs with the root (hair bulb) attached as instructed, and immediately send it back to us in the radiation-proof pouch. Do this as soon as you get your kit!

Your Wellness Report

It’s amazing how four strands of hair will give you an abundance of important personalized information. Your wellness and vitality indicators are then used to develop a customized plan. Revitalyze Custom Nutrition will be tailored to your needs on your journey to better health.

Your Custom Nutrition

Your Revitalyze Custom Nutrition is specifically tailored to you and is based on the information derived from your Digital Detox Life Expansion and Wellness Report. Historically, only world-class athletes could afford custom nutrition – until now. Welcome to the future of nutrition!

Post Digital Detox

Digital Detox, hair analysis, and Revitalyze Custom Cellular Nutrition are amazing resources for you to achieve your wellness and vitality goals. RDT.media has the resources to identify and adopt a long-term healthy eating and activity plan that’s right for you and your long-term wellness and vitality.

How Often Should I Detox?

Healthy longevity is most people’s ultimate wellness goal. Digital Detox offers you the best leverage available to transform your vitality. This program can be tailored to your lifestyle and environmental exposures. Achieve your wellness and vitality goals with a digital detox.